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This quilt, titled Hope Rising, is going to become part of the Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital's permanent collection. I made this quilt shortly after my cancer diagnosis. It was a struggle to do something creative at that point in time, but the quilt ended up having a very upbeat, poisitive feel to it which is shy I gave it that title.
I have spent many days (and some nights) at Dartmouth as I continue my ongoing treatment. I can not say enough good things about this hospital, and the Cancer Center. Every single person whom I've come in contact with has been courteous, kind and pleasant. That kind of attitude comes down from the top and I am very impressed with an institution that can achieve such a high level of excellence.
The folks in the cancer center have been especially kind and helpful, so it is my wish that this wuilt eventually hang somewhere in the center. Covid ghas made the actual delivery of the quilt difficult, but I'm hoping to accomplish that soon and see my work gracing the halls of the hospital.
Hope Rising
I am very pleased and proud to announce that my quilt, Dancing on the Dark Side of the Moon, has been accepted into the Shelburne Museum's permanent collection where it will join my other quilt, Figments, that the Museum already owns.
I donated Dancing on the Dark Side of the Moon because I feel it is a very special piece and deserves to be in a place where it can be enjoyed by lots of people. This quilt was a joy to make, being created in less than a month. Everything seemed to just fall into place and when I look at the quilt, remembering it's joyful creation makes me smile.
This quilt had the distinct honor of being designated one of the 100 Best Quilts of the 20th Century. Seventeen hundred quilts were nominated and from that group, 100 quilts were chosen by a paned of industry experts who were affilited with the four sponsoring groups and four non-profit quilting organizations based in the US.
I consider this particular quilt to be one of the best that I have created in my 50 years of quiltmaking. Therefore, it pleases me greatly to know that it will be lovingly cared for at the Shelburne Museum for years to come.
Shelburne Museum
The Shelburne is a unique museum, founded by Electra Havemeyer Webb who was one of the first American collectors to realize the significance and beauty of antiques and folk art. I was thrilled to have fifteen of my pieces exhibited in a solo exhibit for the entire summer season.
The Hat and Fragrance building is at the far end of the museum, down by the covered bridge. It's a bit of a hike so wear your walking shoes or catch a ride on the shuttle that makes regular tours of the grounds. Looks inviting, doesn't it?
Here are a few shots of the exhibit itself. The quilts are beautifully hung and lighted and each has a statement which explain a bit of my process and inspiration.